This encouraging devotional addresses 101 topics vital to life of Christian integrity, such as, knowing God, following Jesus, prayer, encouragement, identity, purpose, stewardship, and much more.
Take a few minutes from your day to get inspired about God. Think about the amazing things He has done in this world through the lives of great Christians. Discover a true story, read God's Word, start a conversation with God.
Topics include: the armour of God, the names of Jesus, the life of David and a look into the book of Judges. Dive in each day and see what God is keen to say to you right now.
Hey Guys! Got a minute or 2? That's all it will take to learn a little more about people just like you, you'll learn how to make good choices, be a better friend, and become the person God wants you to be.
Boys aged 8-12 will be inspired by this devotional. Filled with topics relevant to kids today, this daily devotional will encourage boys to learn more about God's perfect plan for their lives.
For 200 days, you will be introduced to guaranteed promises from God's Word alongside relatable prayers. Each encouraging reading will help you create a strong foundation for a faith-filled life! 9781636095158.